Tuesday, November 10, 2009

One more Attempt!

Attempts! make them and you may see what you wanted to see, I have wrote blogs earlier some regular n some not-so-regular, some personal n some not so personal. I created them, deleted them, meanwhile also appreciated them, Here I make one more attempt to be in line, to be what I really am. Words are crazily vast, expressions are just few for now, and maybe I am in state of mind and heart where it really doesn’t matter. Few of inspirations are regular blogger friends, even those who weren’t born to do so, and those who are amazing writers and maybe readers even. Inspiration for this attempt is also my few real close people who loves to read what I write (even, when It’s crappy ;)), and for me maybe future me, who’d be reading this after some time and wondering was it really me? Ehhh…

In the good spirits, when the pen is passé, and my keyboard is giving problems, I make an attempt again to write my heart out, this shall help! Amen!